Đang truy cập : 1016 |
Lượt truy cập : 44926311 |
Tổng Sản Phẩm : 529 |
Giá Bán : Liên hệ ngay / 1 Bộ
Mã Sản Phẩm : 9866
The United States Mint's Presidential Medals date back to the earliest days of the Republic. Medals were presented to American Indian chiefs and other important leaders at events like treaty signings. Bronze (mixed copper and zinc) replica presidential medals are available for sale to the public through the United States Mint's online catalog. Lewis and Clark, on their expedition to the Pacific coast between 1804 and 1806, carried a supply of these ""Indian Peace Medals."" They presented these medals, bearing the portrait of then-president Thomas Jefferson, to important chiefs.
The peace medal tradition continued into the middle of that century. The peace medal series became the Presidential medal series after President Andrew Johnson left office in 1869. The obverse of the medal features a portrait of Abraham Lincoln with the inscription "ABRAHAM LINCOLN" centered along the border of the medal.
The reverse of the medal features a wreath of oak and laurel within a pearled ring. The inscription "INAUGURATED PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES MARCH 4, 1861. SECOND TERM MARCH 4, 1865. ASSASSINATED APRIL 14, 1865." Within the wreath, a spray of pine and cedar, circled by serpent with its tail in its mouth, the Egyptian symbol of eternity and immortality.
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